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Winter`s Breath... | Milady Winter Open user info Open user photogallery user RSSMilady Winter
06.09.08 22:19   |    Every little helps     pinned  ru
 As we all know language of New Capital city is English and a lot of our citizens simply can`t use scrolls because they do not understand Russian language. I have made basic guide with translations of scroll`s screens for them and I really hope that it will help people to create their own scrolls. In my photo scroll you can find a folder, called "Screens of the scrolls" just open it and you`ll find 20 screens with translations. If you will have any questions about the use of scroll - what to make, how to make, what to do etc - then I always wait your questions here, in that post. I`ll try to answer your questions as good as possible and I won`t miss a question.

I hope that my work can encourage you to create your own scrolls to share your opinions and thoughts with people, because every opinion is important. Together we can solve problems We are powerful when we are together =)

Leave your questions in that post and I`ll answer all your questions about the topic.

Sincerely Yours,
Milady Winter

Mood: рабочее 
Music: R.E.M. - Losing My Religion
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25.01.09 20:23   |    Only for HIM  en
 I love you!

Mood: романтичное 
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12.01.09 00:29   |    Don`t you just love it? :D  en

Mood: смешное 
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updated 10.01.09 18:15
10.01.09 18:02   |    Do you believe in democracy?
 I don`t and I never did, because while there is power there will always be control and while there will be control there will be no freedom. Today morning Last Samurai [] was watching "Zeitgeist" and advised it to me too. I have watched it and I find it worthwhile to watch. The only thing should be mentioned - there is no absolute truth, take this film critically.

What "Zeitgeist" means? "Zeitgeist is a German language expression literally translated: Zeit, time; Geist, spirit, meaning "the spirit of the age and its society". The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual, cultural, ethical and political climate, ambiance and moral of an era or also a trend. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events." (c) Wikipedia

The film is about modern society, religion, politics and connections between them. ATTENTION: it is 2 hours long.

Mood: задумчивое 
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30.12.08 18:36   |    Donald, where`s your trousers? :)  ru

Mood: хитрое 
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09.11.08 00:41   |    What was the point?  ru
 Time has passed and now I can see that nobody in our city really needed scrolls. What was it all about?

I believe it is the same as the following situation: little child gets new toy - the one he wanted or surprise one (it doesn`t really matter) and he is so happy, he plays with it all the time, goes to bed with his toy and is very protective of it. But it is only for a short period of time! After some days he is tired of his new toy and forgets about it.

And now I am asking you - what if scrolls is kind of a check for us? To see if we really need updates? If we can use them? What`s if we`d get updates we want, but after some time we won`t use them at all - if they would become the same "old new toy" for us? Do we really need updates?

Mood: разговорчивое 
Comments: 10 | Post comment
updated 06.01.09 23:11
11.10.08 18:11   |    Our first anniversary!!!
 "Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never... never forget it." Curtis Judalet

Once there lived one little Paladin girl – she had no idea what love is and she didn`t seek for it. She was happy with the things she had and she believed she would never fall in love. But one night she met one strange and funny man – he was very talkative and he said he was drunk that night. He made this girl curious… And it was it! They started to chat and tease each other. It was nice time of fun and joy and they didn`t notice how they bought one-way tickets to the wedding train.

A lot has happened during one year time. They will never forget Christmas Christmas…Well, the ones who know – they know… and the ones who do not know – it means they shouldn`t know! Cartoon for children “Lady and the Tramp” – who said cartoons can`t show real life? =)

All I want to say today is “Happy first anniversary, my Love! :huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug:” I am so happy I have met you. Always be yourself and never change!

What does it mean to love?

As far as the ocean is wide
through miles and miles of sea;
You will be someone special
a true miracle to me.
As high upon the mountain tops
as high as one can climb;
You will be so dear to me
the best friend I can find.
As many stars that twinkle
throughout the heavens above;
You will be a a bright reminder
of what it means to love.

Mood: романтичное 
Music: Baz Luhrmann "The sunscreen song"
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18.09.08 18:34   |    Meaning of the name  ru
 What do you know about your name? Are our names important? Can my name exert influence on my life?

I guess even the most sceptical people would like to know facts about their names. Ancient people believed name has a great meaning - it was magical and nobody should know your name not to hurt you in any way. Modern world is the same in some ways - parents think hard to find a name for their child, but we do not believe in evil eye anymore - we consider it just to be a superstition.

This site http://www.behindthename.com/ gives you information about etymology and history of first names. Just check it!

Mood: романтичное 
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